This uTest Advanced Terminal Test Kit is the perfect companion for your lab scope and meter. Each item connects to 4mm banana plugs, except for one, a set of adapters that convert a 2.0mm pin tip probe or plug to standard 4.0mm banana plug.
Newest additions include:
- Set of Small Gator Clips.
- Set of two Adapters: converts a 4.0mm banana plug to a 2.0mm banana plug.
- Set of two Adapters: converts a 2.0mm pin tip probe to standard 4.0mm banana plug.
- 13 sets of terminal leads, including Micro 50 and Micro 64 flats.
- Fuse Amp Loops with large loops and flexible wire for ease of connection and placement.
- Micro Backprobes
- Coupler leads (male and female)
- 10KΩ Variable Resistor
- Set of alligator clips, large jaw gators, pin tip probes, piercing probes
- Y-adapter for Terminal leads
- Airbag/SRS Simulator with 3 sets of resistors 2.0, 2.2 & 2.7Ω
Use with your lab scope or DMM to connect to a wide variety of sensors, actuators and circuits.
Use for terminal drag testing too.
A soft-sided carrying case keeps everything organized.