► Capture All Data: ATS’ unique circular buffer system does not drop data. No data gap will ever be present on our scopes; this means you will never lose data that occurs between samples on an intermittent fault or fail to capture the vehicle’s faulty event.
► Ultra Sharp Wave-forms: No need for filters that can mask data. ATS designs our scopes so the signal is accurate and clean.
► Dual Time Base: This allows two different frequencies to be displayed on one screen with two different scope displays, simultaneously. This also allows separate triggers and/or trigger modes on each time base. It’s like having two scopes in one.
► Pull Down Circuit: A Controlled pulse that sinks power from vehicle circuit to ground. Control circuits like ignition coils, fuel injectors and solenoids.
► TTL Output: Sends a 0-5v square wave signal out of scope. Turn on devices such as ignition coil drivers, test vehicle’s circuits, and test vehicle’s circuits for loading.
► Automatic Test Lead Connection Detection: This unique feature allows you to know the scope lead has a good connection. “Red”= Bad connection. “Green”= Good connection. It’s that easy!
► No Time, Voltage, or Trigger Setup Needed: With the powerful Deep Record function, you can grab a large amount of data without any setup at all. Then simply zoom in to see what happened! Turn signals on/off, and rearrange waveforms as you wish. Saved files can be reopened and manipulated in the same way at any time.
► Automatic voltage attenuator: Just change the voltage setting and the scope does the rest.
► Pressure Transducers: Drives four pressure transducers at once with full pressure/vacuum conversions.
► Patented Overlay Technology: ATS’ unique programming overlays an engine cycle grid over your waveforms. Works great with pressure transducers!

Includes Revolutionary CKP misfire software. Converts CKP signal into an advanced misfire analyser!
Check out the features of the eSCOPE ELITE4:
Number of Channels: 4
Traces: Separate colours for each channel that match leads.
A/D Vertical Converter Resolution: 16 bit (65,536 discrete levels). This gives very fine voltage resolution over a very large voltage range. I.E. +/-20 volt range has a 0.0006 mV resolution.
Maximum Scope Throughput: 1 Mega samples per second.
Voltage Attenuator: Up to +/-500V software selectable attenuator built into scope.
Display Modes: Dual Screen, Single Screen, Stacked Scope, Measure and Deep record, and Meter.
Deep Record Mode: Allows data to be recorded without any setup at all and without missing any data. Then use features such as zoom in, zoom out, zoom window, zoom reset and cursors. Apply filtering, turn signals on/off, and rearrange waveforms as you wish. Saved files can be reopened and manipulated in the same way at any time.
Pressure Transducer: Drives four pressure transducers at once with full Pressure/Vacuum conversions. Additionally the eSCOPE ELITE4 comes with patented pressure transducer overlays.
Ignition analyser: Includes full ignition analyser software.
PC Compatible: Runs on any Windows based PC.
Power Requirements: Powered via PC’s USB connector.
USB connection to PC: USB 2.0 or USB 3.0
Scope Storage: Unlimited Storage of waveforms and settings
Support: Built in help plus U.S. based customers receive live one-on-one log in support.